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A:Have you worked as a secretary?

B:Yes, I have worked as a secretary in an investment company?

A:What are you doing now?

B:I'm learning English and I hope I can get more chances.

A:Could you tell me what's your last job?

B:Of course, I worked at an advertisement Co. Ltd. And I do sales work.

A:Would you mind telling me the name of the company?

B:OK, the name is Xinyue Internet Co. Ltd.

A:Have you got any achievement or received any honor in the company?

B:Yes, I was chosen as one of "employees of the month" last year. And as a sales manager I succeeded in raising yearly sales volume by 25%.

A:Well, you've done a good work.



Words & Expression:

Approach / means / method / way: 方法;手段;办法;方式

Corporation: 法人团体;(美)股份有限公司

Firm: 公司;商行;商号

Client: (律师、会计师、社会工作者、建筑师等的)委托人;当事人;客户;(商店的)顾客

Chore: 日常的零星事物;琐事;讨厌或累人的工作

Cash-in-hand: 手中现金

Raise their purchasing power: 提高了购买力

第六讲 表达语言能力


A:You will mainly use English in this job. Do you think you can make yourself understood in English with ease?

B:Yes, I think I speak English quite fluently. I've often explained historical places in Xi'an to foreign tourists in English. They say my English is quite good.

A:How long have you been learning English?

B:Oh, more than ten years. I started learning English when I was still in a primary school from a foreign teacher.

