1、What are the normal diseases
in the general surgery?
They are appendicitis ,calculus
of gallbladder , inguimal hernia ,simple goiter etc.
2、How many symptoms and signs
are appeared in the acute appendicitis?
Fever , symptom of the
alimentary camal :(nausea ,vomiting ,diarrhea ,hellyace )typical
signs:ambulant pain in the right below belly and peritoneum
stimulating :(belly muscle tension ,pressing ache ,rebounding pain
3、What are (normal )symptoms
and signs for the acute cholangitis ?
After having the high-fat food
,the right upper belly will feel pain and with sporadic pain , the
right shoulder and back will feel pain.
The symptoms of the alimentary
canal : the right upper belly feels pain , the muscle is strain
,the Murphy shows positive .the syndrome : acute necrotic
cholangitis ,bile peritonitis ,cholangitis and pancreatitis
4、What’s the clinic
signs of acute pancreatitis ?
bellyache, nausea ,vomiting
,the symptoms of peritonitis :abdominal distension ,fever ,shock
,and some patients will have the signs of Grey-Tummer or Gullen
.hand and feet fwitch (hypocalcemla)
5.What’s the urgent nursing
work (measures) for the poatients with the injury of closed belly ,
such as rupture of spleed ?
A. the nursing work during the
period of observation :
a. rest in bed absolutely
,avoid lifting jandom,
b. observe and test the life
symptom and the belly
c. fasting, don’t use
pain-killer, cyster is forbidden
d. to use
B. Nursing work before
a. psychology( or mentality of
operation, and get the cooperation of the patients
b. try to prepare the operation
quickly , if the patient is shock, it need to make blood
transfusion and infusion , give vasoconstrictor and cardiofonic
c. set the grashic tube and the
catheter in place, shaving hair of operation area,
C. Post-operation nursing work
a. according to different
operation measures and anaesthesia category nursing
b. lying position: awaking
after the general anaesthesia, or 6 hours after the epidural
anaesthesia, semi-sitting and semi-lying. In this way, it is good
for patient breathing smoothly and drainage it can decrease the
pain and promote the cicatrisation.
c. Observing the life signs,
central venous pressure
d. Food ,post-operation
food-forbidden, 2-3days later, after the anus exhausting, to have
the liquid, 5-6days later, to have the semi-liquid , it should take
those digesting, high carbohyd rate and high protein diet. To eat a
little every time but take frequently .
e. To encurage the patient to
breathe deeply ,coughing, phlegm, to decree ase the lung syndrome,
and after the patient get a little better, ask him to get out of
his best for a walk .
f. Nursing care of the drainage
tube to keep asepsis, properly fix the drainage tub from bopping,
twisting , blocking, keep the tube smoothly, closely observe and
register the chracter and volumn of the drainage tube.
6. What’s the main point of “T”
tube nursing?
a. properly fixed, prevent it
from twisting and pressing ,avoid it dropping to cause the bile
peritonistis .
b. keep cleaning, operate in
asepsis, prevent the converse infection.
c. Observe the bile’s
character, colour and volumn in time,
d. Register the bile volumn in
24 hours, and the normal bile in 500ml-800ml/per day
e. To keep the “T” tube
f. The condition of drawing
tube :to draw the tube 14-18 daye after the operation. And also has
the following conditions:
the bile volumn decreased
there is no abdominal distension, icterus and fever after the
clamped “T” tube,
the choledochogram shows smooth.
g. to protect the skin around
the wound, change the dressing in time .
the food nursing work after the
most part of stomach-cutting
food forbidden for 24-48 hours
operation , if the intestime restore moving, and eliminate the gas
in the abdomen , it need to clamp the gastric tube and test the
water-drinking, observe it for 6 hour , if no abdominal distendion
and pain happened, we can pull out the gastric tube, give him a
little water , 4-5 spoon every time, one time at the interval of
1-2 hours, in the second day, give him half amout of liquid,
,50-80ml/ every time , in the third day, give him full amount of
liquid, 100-150ml/every time, at the interval of 4-6 time per day ,
if no abdominal distension, pain and other ill effects happened
when having his liquid, in the forth day, he should have the
semi-liquid, especially take the washy porridge. 10-14 days later,
he can have the soft food, pay closed at tention that he should
take a little every time but frequently.
What is the pour syndrome
It is one of the syndromes
after most part of the stomach-cutting. It appears that the upper
belly will feel uncomfortable after having sweet liquid diet for
10-20 minutes, and there will be heart-throb, breathe hard,
vapidity, perspiring, dizzy, nausea vomiting and even collapse. It
is always accompanying the intestine resounding and diarrhea. When
the symptom happens, it need to give him slight sweet diet and then
he’ll get better, try to take food a little every time but
frequently. After the meal, put him lay flat for several minutes to
prevent it happening once more.
蒸汽消毒 steam
紫外线消毒disinfection by
ultraviolet light
sterilization 化学灭菌 chemical
间接灭菌 fractional
器械灭菌 mechanical
测量生命体征 Measurement of vital
量口腔(直肠\腋下)体温 taking
oral(rectal\axillary) temperature
测量桡动脉脉搏 taking radial
呼吸记数 counting
量血压 measuring(taking) blood
手术前准备 Pre-operation
备皮 shaving the patient’s
备皮 skin
麻醉 anesthesia
剪子 scissors
肠线 ribbon
gut 止血带
lamp 血管夹
氧气桶 oxygen
输氧机 oxygen
outlet 呼吸机ventilator
灭菌器 sterilizer
electrocardiograph 症状symptom
体征signs 实施手术 to perform
an operation 包扎伤口 to dress a
wound 换药 to change
dressing 切口
incision 切除
excision 缝合suture 缝线
surgical stitching 拆线 to take
out the stitches 麻醉
anesthesia 全身麻醉 general
anesthesia 局部麻醉 local
再植replantation 移植transplantation 普鲁卡因
procaine 福尔马林formalin 来苏尔lysol
酒精 alcohol 碘酊 iodine
Basic knowledge of Nursing
1. What are the vital
Vital signs are measured to
detect any changes in normal body functions. They include pulse,
blood pressure, Pressure, temperature and respiration.
2. What is a nurse’s
daily work?
-Start working at 8:00 am.
Medical meeting and take over shift.
-Collect specimen
-Morning cares.
-Observe patient in vital sign
and other condition.
-Go round the ward with
-Carry out doctor’s
orders. Apply injection and medication treat patients
-Complete nursing
-First and treatment to
3. What is
It refers to an unfortunate
secondary change that sometimes develops in the course of a
4. What is anemia?
(a) Anemia signifies a
decreased amount of hemoglobin in the blood , therefore,a decreased
amount of oxygen reaching the tissues and organs of the
(b) People with anemia look
pale and feel weak.
5. What is administration of
a. Oral:to swallowed with
b. Parenteral: any form of
c. Subcutaneous( hypodermic)
:the medication is injected into the subcutaneous layer of
d. Intramuscular: the
medication is injected into the muscular tissue.
e. Intradermal: the medication
is injected into the dermis.
f. Intravenous: the medication
is injected into the vein.
g. Instillation: the
administration of medication by instillation is through drops or
h. Suppository: a cylindrical
solid is inserted into the rectum or vagina.
i. Inhalation: drugs are
dispersed into the air in a gas or vapor from.
6. What causes
A infeetion is a disease state
that results from the invasion and growth of microorganisms in the
7. What is
It is the process in which
pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed . Disinfection does mot
destroy spores.
8. What is
a. Sterilization procedures
destroy all nonpathogens, pathogens and spores.
b. Radiation ,liquid chemicals
and a chemical gas may be used for sterilizing .
9. What are the complications
of bed rest?
Bed rest and the lack of
exercise can lead to serious complications, such as decubitus
ulcers, constipation, blood clots, urinary tract infections and
pneumonia, etc.
10. What is CPR
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation)?
CPR must be started as soon as
cardiac arrest occurs. The objective of CPR is to provide oxygen to
the brain, heart, kidneys and other organs until more advanced
emergency measures can be carried out by trained personnel. CPR
involves three basic parts: airway, breathing and
11. What is the most common
disorder of the endocrine system?
a. The most common disorder of
the endocrine system is diabetes mellitus. In this disorder the
body is unable to use sugar properly.
b. signs and symptoms of
diabetes mellitus include increased urine production, increased
thirst, hunger and weight loss.
c. Diabetes mellitus is treated
with exercise ,diet and insulin therapy.
12. What is
a. Hypertension is a condition
in which the blood pressure is abnormally high.
b. Narrowed blood vessels are a
common cause of hypertension. Furtherly, kidney disorders, head
injuries, certain complications of pregnancy and tumors of the
adrenal gland can cause high blood pressure.
c. Complications of
hypertension include stroke, heart attack, kidney failure and
13. When do you need to
activate BLS?
When a patient’s
breathing and heart action stops suddenly and without warning. In
addition, when a patient’s breathing stops but his or her
heart continues to pump blood for several minutes.
14. What is your
I am Chinese.
15. What is your job title?
(What do you do in hospital?)
I am a staff nurse in the
surgical department.