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IR: immediate release

CR: controlled release

PC: with meal

DOC: plan of care

LOS: level of sedation

HOH: hard of hearing

CDI: clean dry and intact

MGMT: management

SATS: situations

ABX: antibiotics

NC: nasal canular

OTA: open to air

EMR: electronic medical record

ADA: American Diabetes Association

Fx: fracture

PT: physical therapy

OT: occupational therapy

Cl: clear (diet)

ADAT: advanced diet as tolerated

PCA: patient controlled analgesics

BBK: blood bank

WBAT: weight bearing as tolerated

BPM: beats per minute

POD: post operation day

CMS: cirdulation/motion/sensation

PACU: post anesthesia care unit

TIT: titration

MAR: medication administration record

ORM: operating room management

PCS: patient care system

Pt: patient

ADM: admission module

EDM: emergency department management

OE: order entry

SOB: shortness of breathing

CXR: chest x ray

NKDA: no know drug allergy

C/O: complains of

ACHS: before meals and after hour of sleep
